Value-based Healthcare for Diabetes
Authors: Yufei He, Tamara Ribbers, Zhi Cai, Job van der Linden
Supervisory team: Marijke Idema, Marijke Melles
Partners: Amsterdam UMC, TU Delft
This page presents four designs that contribute to the implementation of Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) into the diabetes department of the VUmc. VBHC can be valuable for diabetes patients, often finding it difficult to adhere to their treatment. They visit the VUmc every 3 months for consultations, during which daily management of blood glucose levels (BGLs), their body condition and concerns are discussed with nurses to define further therapy.
However, this depends on self-monitored BGLs, often leading to incomplete data and difficulties for clinicians to give valuable advice. Also, patients lack basic diabetes knowledge.
The following four concepts have been designed as solutions.